Resolved -
This incident has been resolved.
Sep 24, 10:06 CDT
Monitoring -
Services have been restored after repair of a facility network device for the vendor. I have will monitor the situation until EOB today.
Sep 23, 08:31 CDT
Identified -
A Field technician has identified a defective card in a facility device. Repair is in lieu of receiving a replacement part a considerable distance away.
Sep 23, 02:35 CDT
Investigating -
All sites offline for about 25 minutes. AT&T has been notified.
Sep 22, 22:15 CDT
Monitoring -
confirmation, repairs are completed. monitoring overnight
Sep 21, 23:04 CDT
Update -
no updates have given, still awaiting repair status.
Sep 21, 16:40 CDT
Update -
A technician has been dispatched out to replace faulty network part (unspecified). No ETR given.
Sep 21, 12:55 CDT
Update -
awaiting assignment to tester for an equipment failure, no ETR given.
Sep 21, 12:25 CDT
Update -
AT&T Escalation Manager reached out to me this morning. Issue related to a facility outage on the ATT side. Still under investigation.
Sep 21, 09:19 CDT
Update -
Issue has been escalated to level 3. AT&T has engaged a specialist team to investigate the outage. No ETR given.
Sep 21, 07:23 CDT
Update -
nothing new to report. Issue is at level 2 escalation.
Sep 21, 01:29 CDT
Update -
A specialist team has been engaged as investigation continues.
Sep 20, 21:11 CDT
Investigating -
AT&T's 10Gig aggregation circuit is currently offline. All tenants on this circuit are offline as the handoff from AT&T on St Louis TE0/0/0/0 to MOREnet is down. A ticket has been made and investigation is underway to identify the issue at hand. Updates provided as given.
Sep 20, 19:52 CDT